This graph shows that high school seniors have learned how to drink responsibly.
Taylor Anderson and I, Brandon Kramer, feel that the drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one to eighteen.
For our College Writing Class, we are doing a debate on lowering the drinking age. Our opponents are Isaac Doll and Donny Tabery. They feel that the drinking age should stay at twenty-one. We feel that the drinking age should be eighteen because you are considered an adult. We can go vote, do jury duty, pay taxes, go to war and die, but you can't enjoy a cold one.
Alcohol Problems and Solutions ( Statistics on why the drinking age should be lowered)
(Legal Age 21 has not worked) | (States drinking age should remain 21)
(Legal drinking age should remain at 21) |
Five Possible Presentational Aids
1. Graphs
2. Charts
3. Powerpoint
4. Drawings
5. Demonstrations